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The Voice Referendum: Information in Tagalog

31 May 2023

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Information in Tagalog

he Australian Government has launched an information campaign in a number of languages to help Australians be informed about the upcoming Voice referendum, which will be held later this year.

The referendum is about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Like a regular federal election, it’s compulsory for all eligible Australians 18 years and over to vote. However, for many Australians, this will be their first experience with a referendum.

To help, a suite of resources about the Voice, including videos, posters, fact sheets, audio assets and social media posts have been created in Tagalog and are available for download in the stakeholder kit below.

Download Stakeholder Kit

In addition to the translated assets, dedicated resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and materials in accessible formats such as Auslan interpreted videos and easy-read English are available via the campaign website.

Actions you can take

As a trusted community leader, we’d appreciate your help sharing these factual materials with your communities and networks to ensure they are informed about the facts of the Voice, the upcoming Voice referendum, and where to go for information.

You’re welcome to leverage key messages for any community resources you’re currently working on or include the campaign materials in full.


If you have any questions or feedback about the stakeholder kit, please contact CultureVerse via

To find out more information about the Voice, visit

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